Our attorneys successfully negotiated a settlement for a 2-year-old boy who suffered head injuries in an accident. The injuries were relatively minor, given his very young age, and after periodic monitoring for six months with a doctor he was fully discharged. The facts of his case were similar to many accidents and the ultimate settlement was an amount that was appropriate for the nature and type of injuries the child suffered.
We point this case out to people interested in reading about our skills and abilities because of this client’s young age. A settlement for a child under the age of 18 must be approved by a court and many times needs to be structured appropriately. Additionally, the court will need to obtain from the client’s attorney certain assurances that the money will be properly maintained for child’s use and benefit and spent only for those purposes. In other words they are required by law to make sure that the adults in the child’s life aren’t going to go off spending his money on themselves, cars, or their “toys.”
In this particular case we were able to successfully structure the settlement so as to satisfy all of the outstanding medical bills and health insurance claims that were made against the settlement funds. We were also able to provide a small, lump-sum, payment to the family immediately and structure the rest of the settlement monies in such a way as to ensure adequate amounts of monies would be available to him for college tuition and expenses. His parents also wanted to make sure there would be an additional payment to this young man some several years past his college graduation, hopefully to finance his first home purchase. Our attorneys worked very closely with the family in structuring these benchmarks that were important to them. We also worked closely with funding companies we have working relationships with to make sure that the structure the family wanted to put in place for the funds was not only attainable and appropriate, but that the money would be invested with appropriate financial companies to ensure that the monies would still be there in 20 years when the child is supposed to receive them. Our contacts and knowledge level in working on cases like this can be a benefit to you and your children who have been involved in accidents and we are more than happy to explore these possibilities with you.
The facts of his case were similar to many accidents and the ultimate settlement was an amount that was appropriate for the nature and type of injuries the child suffered.
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